Choosing a Word to Shape your Study Abroad Experience

Choosing a Word to Shape your Study Abroad Experience

I love the new year for the way it invites introspection and forward-thinking. As a dreamer and planner at heart, I thrive on imagining “what-if” scenarios. This year, I was inspired by a concept introduced by Gretchen Rubin: choosing a one-word theme for the year.

Gretchen suggests that a one-word theme can replace New Year’s resolutions. It’s simple, creative, and easy to remember—allowing for flexibility and inspiration throughout the year. A single word can act as your guide, helping you stay focused on your goals, even when things get challenging.

So, I started thinking: what if study abroad students adopted a one-word theme to guide their journeys? Study abroad is an incredible time of growth, change, and discovery. A one-word theme could serve as a compass, helping you make the most of this transformative experience.

If you’re a study abroad student, here are some one-word themes to inspire your journey and help you focus on what matters most:

  • Explore: Embracing curiosity and adventure in new places and cultures.
  • Adapt: Navigating change and learning to thrive in unfamiliar situations.
  • Immerse: Fully engaging with the culture, language, and experiences abroad.
  • Courage: Facing challenges with bravery and confidence.
  • Connect: Building meaningful relationships across cultures.
  • Perspective: Gaining new viewpoints and understanding the world differently.
  • Open: Remaining receptive to new ideas, experiences, and people.
  • Resilient: Overcoming challenges and growing stronger through them.
  • Wonder: Staying curious and amazed by the world around you.
  • Transform: Experiencing personal growth and self-discovery.

For me, my word for 2025 is kaleidoscope.

Why kaleidoscope? It reminds me that life—and study abroad—is full of change. Patterns shift, perspectives evolve, and through it all, there’s beauty to discover. Kaleidoscope helps me remember that moments of uncertainty often lead to clarity, and the twists and turns of a journey bring opportunities to grow and learn. For study abroad, kaleidoscope reminds me of how cultural differences and unfamiliar situations can shift my perspective and help me see beauty in unexpected ways.

Start the Conversation

What about you? What one-word theme will guide your study abroad adventure in 2025? Whether it’s a word that captures courage, exploration, or self-discovery, your word can help set the tone for an unforgettable year. Your word could help you stay focused and make the most of your journey. Share it in the comments—I’d love to hear what inspires you!